Archive for the ‘Firewall Forward’ Category

Cowl fasteners

Sunday, November 19th, 2023

I have been putting off finishing the cowl fasteners for no good reason, so I decided to tackle this job at last. I am using the standard hinges on the vertical portions of the lower cowl at the firewall, machine screws behind the spinner, and Skybolt quarter-turn fasteners everywhere else. In total I needed 42 sets of studs and receptacles to attach my cowl:

I put the cowl on the airplane, made sure everything was still fitting well, and drilled the existing pilot holes up to #30:

Then I removed the upper flanges from the firewall, and used the provided templates to drill all the required holes. Drilling the center holes from #30 to 11/16" with the unibit generated a tremendous amount of shavings, and required some concentration to keep the bit from wandering off-center:

After preparing the flanges, I riveted everything to the firewall. Afterwards I realized that this might be the very last structural riveting of the whole project… sure there will be additional rivets for nutplates and so forth, but I think this is the last bit of primary structure that was still left un-riveted.

Due to the limited space available in places, I chose to attach the Skybolt receptacles to the flanges with countersunk blind rivets:

Back to the upper cowl, I drilled the #30 pilot holes along the aft edge up to 15/32", again watching to make sure the unibit didn't wander:

After installing the studs and grommets in the upper cowl, I did a test fit and was happy to see that I had everything lining up well so far:

Since the mounting flanges along the bottom of the lower cowl were already riveted to the firewall, I had to drill the holes in-place:

To avoid drilling through the engine mount or various nearby components, I made the above holes using a 5/8" Rotabroach cutter, with a washer and a rubber o-ring acting as a makeshift drill stop:

Using the Rotabroach cutter for the bottom flange holes gave me an idea for a better way to drill the holes in the fiberglass cowl. Instead of separately drilling the holes in the cowl and the underlying flange and then hoping they line up, I realized that I actually had a way to make these holes perfectly concentric.

On the cowl side flanges, I used the Skybolt template to drill the #30 holes for the rivets and lock pin, but I left the center hole at #30:

(yes I realize the edge distance is not great at the front, but it's too late to extend these flanges now)

Here's the entire process in one image: I installed the cowl with clecoes, then removed one cleco, cut through the fiberglass using the ejector pin on the Roatabroach as a pilot, and replaced the cleco with a 1/8" fender washer underneath. Repeating this process for every fastener location gave me a row of perfectly-placed holes in the cowl, even where the holes in the fiberglass were wonky or buggered up.

The Skybolt grommets require a 15/32" hole and the closest Rotabroach cutter I have is 7/16", so I cut all these holes slightly undersized in-place and then enlarged them the last 1/32" on the workbench with a unibit. Then I removed the lower cowl and used a 5/8" Rotabroach cutter to make the holes in the flanges for the receptacles:

Doing it this way guarantees concentric holes, since you're using the same pilot hole to guide the cutter in both cases… really a special kind of match-drilling.

After deburring everything, I riveted the remaining receptacles to the lower cowl, and installed it back on the airplane:

And sure enough, every one of my fastener studs engages perfectly with its receptacle:

Adjusting the depth of the receptacle inserts takes some trial and error. You have to install the cowl, mark the ones that are too high or too low, remove the cowl, unclip and adjust each receptacle, and repeat. Each half-turn of a receptacle adjusts the depth by 1/64", so although you can't get every one perfectly flush, you can get pretty close:

After finishing the Skybolt fasteners, I bent the ends of the lower cowl hinge pins upwards, and riveted these little clips to the inside of the cowl flanges. Now the pins are secured from rotating or backing out, but they can easily be sprung loose when required:

The airplane looks pretty good with the cowl attached. I still have some minor fiberglass work to do, but that job will wait for a future work session:

Pressure sensors replaced

Monday, March 6th, 2023

A service bulletin on Kavlico fuel and oil pressure sensors was published a couple years back, advising of a potential for them to leak. I decided to replace them both just to be safe. I was able to remove them both while leaving the transducer manifold in place, although it was a tight fit due to how crowded this area is:

I replaced the oil pressure sensor with another Kavlico sensor – the gold thing at the top – this time the supposedly non-leaking kind. I found that the correct Kavlico fuel pressure sensors were difficult to come by, so I was forced to buy one of Garmin's new private-label sensors – it's the silver cylinder at the bottom of the manifold. The manifold pressure sensor I left alone, since it wasn't subject to the same service bulletin.

At least the wiring connections are the same as the old sensors, so not a bad job overall.

Manifold pressure hose upgrade

Monday, March 6th, 2023

I didn't like the ugly way I'd previously hooked up the manifold pressure plumbing, so I had TS Flightlines make me a braided Teflon hose to use instead. No more plastic tubing under the cowling:

The hose goes around behind the engine mount and across the firewall, supported by adel clamps:

It's adel clamp city to get the hose where it needs to go without rubbing on the engine mount or chafing through any wires. You can also just barely see where I used a bolt and a couple washers to plug the hole in the firewall where I'd previously had a bulkhead fitting installed:

The single bolt and pair of adel clamps that hold the hoses here took me an hour to install, due to the lack of access:

If I had it to do over again, I'd either mount the manifold pressure sensor closer to the #3 cylinder, or else pick up the manifold pressure reading from the #4 cylinder on the other side of the engine using a much shorter hose. But this is good enough.

Propeller safety wire

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

After removing and reinstalling the prop so I could put the belt on the alternator (oops) I torqued and safetied the prop bolts. This was kind of a pain due to the awkward nature of how these bolts are situated. I used some thin nylon tubing to prevent the steel wire from gouging a furrow in the aluminum prop hub:


Friday, March 19th, 2021

Most RV aircraft use the standard fiberglass spinner supplied with the kit, but because I'm congenitally unable to leave things well enough alone, I decided to buy an aluminum spinner from Cummins in Australia. It's a real work of metal-forming art, perfectly shaped, and even the blade cutouts are already made and flanged. I opted for the unpolished version, so I can have it polished or plated later after I'm all done fitting it to the propeller.

To avoid vibration and prevent the spinner from cracking due to stress, it's important to mount it to the propeller as accurately as possible. Ideally the spinner should run perfectly true with absolutely no wobble, i.e. zero runout. In practice, you just want to minimize the amount of runout by being as careful as possible with your measurements and drilling. I decided to shoot for ±0.030" or better, which is an ambitious goal. To do this, I devised what I think might be a novel approach to fitting the RV spinner, which should work equally well for most any aircraft project.

First I marked a center point on a piece of 3/4" plywood, and laid out six holes spaced every 60º around a 4.75" diameter circle, matching the Hartzell K/R prop hub mounting bolt pattern.

Then I turned it into a 13" diameter circle using a router and circle jig. This part doesn't have to be perfectly circular, so you could use a jigsaw or a bandsaw – I just happened to have this tool on hand.

Then, using a drill bit through the center as a sort of axle, I drilled six 5/8" holes. The actual prop bolts are 1/2", so this gives some wiggle room which becomes important later.

The finished plate:

I then mounted this with short wood screws to a swivel bearing which I sourced from my local hardware emporium. I did my best to align the center of the plate with the bearing's axis of rotation, which I achieved by lining up the four screw holes with reference lines that I'd previously marked through the center point.

Next I grabbed another piece of plywood from the scrap pile – this was around 18" by 5 feet, but the exact size isn't strictly important. In this I cut a hole whose diameter was roughly the same as the open part of the swivel bearing:

In the photo above you can just see where I drilled two extra holes near the circumference of the plate, which are necessary to attach the swivel bearing to the long board. I clamped the resulting jig to the bench with the bottom hole halfway hanging over the edge, and then bolted the propeller to the top plate. Voila, a prop rotisserie:

Important note: Obviously with your expensive propeller hanging partway off the edge of the table, you want to be sure the jig is firmly secured in place! I wouldn't suggest using it as a chin-up bar either.

The prop is secured to the rotating plate from underneath using hardware-store nuts and washers. You don't get full thread engagement through the nuts, but it doesn't matter for this application.

I know what you're thinking – a pile of wood and a Lazy Susan bearing from the hardware store, how accurate can this really be? Well, as it turns out, it's plenty accurate enough for this application. The bearing I bought is rated for a much heavier load than what the propeller weighs, so it turns very smoothly. There's also no side loading on the bearing, so I found that it turns without a noticeable amount of slop.

Anyway, we're not totally relying on the accuracy of the jig – instead, what I did was to iteratively tap the prop this way and that until I had it running as true as I could get it. It may or may not be perfectly centered on the plate, but what's important is that it's centered on the bearing's axis of rotation. To do this I used a dial indicator on a long arm, which happens to also be my engine hoist:

Again, I know what you're thinking, especially if you're a real machinist – a wobbly Harbor Freight engine hoist is a terrible indicator stand! Well, yes, I agree with you, but for my purposes here it's good enough. If you look closely at the photo above, you'll see that I used a couple of bungee cords to take out most of the slop, which helps quite a bit. If you're careful and you avoid bumping it while you're measuring, it does a good enough job.

The steel engine hoist also provides a convenient place to attach a magnetic indicator holder – I used my nice Nogaflex holder and expensive Starrett indicator, but if you don't have these tools handy a cheap imported setup (such as this one) should be adequate.

I used the base of the prop dome as my reference surface, on the assumption that it should be concentric with the prop flange and also smooth on account of being CNC machined. By carefully rotating the prop without applying any side load – use one hand on each blade – you can find the highest spot, which will be the farthest from center. Then you give the base of the prop a couple gentle taps with a mallet and a wood block, shifting the high spot towards the center. Repeat until you have as little runout as possible, and tighten the bolts. In my case I got it to less than ±0.010", which is basically within the measurement error of this Rube Goldberg setup.

Once I had the prop running true in the jig, the next step was to use the indicator to get the front spinner bulkhead and backplate running true as well. (Obviously you have to have the backplate mounted before you attach the prop to the jig, or else you'll have to take it apart and align it all over again!) Here I'm indicating off the backplate, with the magnetic stand stuck to a steel clamp that I ran through in a hole in my table:

My backplate in particular had some surface variation that made it tedious to get centered, but I just did my best. I tapped it here and there until it was as centered as I could get it, then torqued the mounting bolts. For the front plate I found the most effective approach was to try different orientations until I found the one that made it run the truest, then marked that so I'd know how it should be clocked when removing and reinstalling it.

During this process I also did a test-fit of the spinner so I'd know where to position the front bulkhead. In my case I needed two regular AN960-416 washers between the bulkhead and the prop to make the spinner fit correctly, plus another regular washer and a -416L under the bolt heads. It's all iterative, I just took my time and measured a lot.

The astute reader might be asking at this point: Couldn't you do all this with the prop mounted on the airplane? Why bother with this rotating jig thing? Well, there are a few good reasons: A rigid jig clamped to a sturdy workbench provides a more solid base for accurate measurement, and with the prop pointing upwards you can use gravity to your advantage rather than having it fight you. There's also a third reason, which I'll detail shortly.

Anyway, once I was sure I had the front bulkhead and backplate aligned as accurately as possible, I needed to mark the spinner for the mounting screws. Actually it would have been better to do this as the very first step, so I could use the backplate underneath the spinner while I had it taped to the table, but it still turned out all right in the end. I used the Cummins instructional video as a jumping-off point, but ended up devising my own method of marking the hole locations.

Loosely following the installation guidance, I drew a 13 1/8" circle on a piece of butcher paper, and marked a center reference line. I then marked the locations of the seven screw holes on each side of the base of the spinner, with the end hole on each side being 3/8" in from the flanged blade cutouts. I used a pair of dividers to make sure I had identical spacing between every hole, and I also made sure that the center hole on each side hit the reference line exactly. Then, without moving the spinner, I also marked the six forward holes. The result is that that the middle screws on each side of the spinner are exactly lined up back-to-front, which pleases me. At this point I was only marking the hole locations in azimuth, not in elevation (i.e. distance from the base).

To mark the forward hole locations I used a big plastic triangle as shown in the Cummins video. Their suggestion is to use a second pair of hands to hold the bottom of the triangle against the spinner, but since I was working solo I just clamped my 6' level to the table instead.

The trickiest thing about marking the spinner hole locations is finding the correct distance to the forward screws. With a fiberglass spinner you can pre-drill the holes in the bulkhead and then shine a bright light through from the back, but you can't do that with an opaque aluminum spinner. I was going to just blindly follow the recommended distance and hope for the best, but then I remembered that everything is better with lasers. With the prop still in the jig, I set up my laser level and projected a horizontal line onto the middle of the front bulkhead:

Then I carefully put the spinner in place on the prop, and marked the spot where the horizontal line crossed one of the previously-marked azimuth lines. The result should be the correct location of one screw hole.

The laser setup was a bit too wobbly for me to trust it for marking multiple holes precisely, so instead I transferred the established distance between the laser-mark and the base onto a scrap piece of aluminum. Into the edge I filed a notch it to provide an accurate place for the tip of the marker to land, then used it to mark the locations for all six forward screws.

The rear holes were much easier – I just used a combination square set to the appropriate distance:

After taking a deep breath, I lightly scribed the marked hole locations to give the drill bit something to center on, and drilled #40 pilot holes through the spinner for all twenty screws. Then I clamped the base of the spinner to the prop backplate, and fiddled with the fit until I had it running as true as I could possibly measure.

Then I match-drilled into the front bulkhead and backplate, thus fixing the fit of the spinner to the prop:

The next step was to mount the prop on the engine for final fitting. I unbolted the prop from the jig, hoisted it up to the crankshaft, and threaded in the six bolts, one tedious flat at a time. I used my Bogert prop sling for this, which was very useful for single-handed mounting of the prop without struggling or dropping something expensive.

Prop mounted for the first time. Let's all just sit back and appreciate this milestone for a second:

With the prop bolted to the engine, I turned it through a few revolutions (with the spark plugs removed) and used the dial indicator to verify that the prop dome runs as straight when mounted on the engine as it did when it was mounted in the jig. The measurements become more sloppy at this point – it's hard to spin the prop without inducing error when the airplane is sitting on rubber tires and the engine is on rubber mounts – but I did satisfy myself that the jig had been an excellent substitute for having the prop mounted on the actual engine.

I clecoed the spinner in place and checked the runout again, with good results. Everything was just as I had measured it in the jig, just with noisier measurements due to the more flexible setup.

Just for fun, I threw the cowl on to see if it would fit. Good news, it fits fine. It's kind of fiddly to get everything aligned with all the rubber baffle seals folded the right way, but that's nothing new for an RV cowl.

From there, the process of enlarging the holes to final size and installing nutplates followed the usual pattern. I was able to remove the front bulkhead to deburr and rivet the nutplates, but I left the backplate attached to the prop and just carefully did everything right on the engine. Drilling the holes in the backplate flange for the nutplate rivets was made possible by an angle drill.

And now, with the spinner completely fitted and affixed with the proper screws, one more measurement of the final runout figure. I ended up with a runout of approximately ±0.015", which is just about at the limit of my ability to measure anything at all. So, given the inherent inaccuracy involved in this measurement, I'm going to call that basically dead-nuts on. I'm very happy with that outcome, and it should hopefully result in a long-lived spinner with no cracks.

One final beauty shot of the prop and spinner mounted on the airplane, just because it looks cool:

Now, if you've read this far, did you happen to catch my mistake? Yes, I forgot to install the alternator belt before I mounted the prop, so it has to come off one more time before I can install it for good. Not a big deal, just annoying. I also need to safety the four bolts in the forward bulkhead, but I'll get to that soon.