Archive for the ‘Firewall Forward’ Category

Going in circles(?)

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Bleargh. I have been sick for a week. The only thing I've had the energy to do is to trace a circle onto a piece of MDF and cut/sand it to make an accurate copy of the spinner backplate.

I'm not even sure why I did this. It seems like it could be useful for cowl fitting later on.

I'm going to go lay down now.

Oil door cutout

Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Well, there's no sense in avoiding it any longer… I have to start on the cowling sometime.

The first step is to mark and cut a hole in the top cowl for the oil door. I ignored the dimensions in the plans and cut a hole that's more of a square than a trapezoid, since I have in mind a different arrangement for the hinge and latch.

I spent some time sanding the edges smooth, because I'm fairly certain I'll be spending a lot of time reaching my tender arms through here.

Left side firewall passthrough

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

It's been pretty darn tough to get excited about working in the garage this winter… it hasn't been much above freezing down there since Thanksgiving or so. Still, I managed to finally do a little straightening up and miscellaneous work this weekend. I drilled holes for a second wiring passthrough on the left side of the firewall:

Here's the finished installation:

A view from the aft side of the firewall… all the transducer wires will go through that snap bushing, to the EIS box in the next rib bay.

Mounted dummy prop hub

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

I primed the spinner backplate and doubler, then riveted them together:

I had to buy these spacers from Van's for five bucks each, since the dimensions aren't shown on the plans (and I don't have a lathe either).

Using hardware-store bolts, I attached the spinner backplate to the dummy prop hub. The plans call for an AN960-416 here, but I think they must have meant -616 for a 3/8" bolt.

Another view:

Then I bolted the backplate and hub to the engine crankshaft. There's only enough clearance to turn the captive prop bolts about one flat at a time, so this part took a little while. Removing the prop to replace the alternator belt is going to be annoying.

I plugged the oil passage to keep moisture out of the inside of the crankshaft. The hole isn't threaded, but I managed to find a plug that fits somewhat snugly and used fuel lube to seal it.

Just for grins, I threw the top cowl on there just to see how it looks. Pretty cool:

Oh wait, I forgot about this part… I may need to finish the top skin before I can work on the upper cowl attachment stuff. Argh.

Back to wiring I guess…

Prop hub and spinner backplate

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Another month without much work on the airplane. I have an excuse, though: it's been really cold in my garage!

I have a whole list of wiring chores left to complete, but I need to take a break from running wires through the fuselage before I go cross-eyed. I thought I might work on some firewall-forward tasks for a while, which will actually help with wiring in a roundabout way; before you can do much wiring forward of the firewall, you need to finish the baffles, which means you need to fit the cowl, which means you need to fit the spinner (the pointy bit on the very front of the airplane), which means you need to fit the propeller. Plenty of work to do there.

The plans suggest making a spacer out of wood or PVC to stand in for the propeller, but since the consequences of getting the cowl/spinner gap wrong are so ugly to contemplate, lots of folks end up using a real prop instead. However, instead of using my very expensive propeller as a fitting template, I had the idea to use a junked prop hub instead – that way there's no questions that the dimensions will be right.

I put out a call for an unairworthy Hartzell prop hub to use for fitting the cowl and spinner, and received the following hunk of grungy aluminum from a generous forum member (thanks, Joe!). It's only the rear half of the hub, but that's all I really need anyway. It is the older C2YK model instead of the C2YR that I have, but the critical dimensions for spinner-fitting are the same.

A little solvent and elbow grease cleaned it up pretty well. The key metric here is that we want to avoid leaving a big grimy smear on the clothing of any wives who happen to be walking through the garage. It just seems like everything will go so much more smoothly that way.

Digging into the pile of remaining airplane parts, I pulled out the rear spinner bulkhead and its associated doubler ring.

As I expected, the spinner bulkhead is noticeably dished, although it appears to be otherwise true and symmetrical. This appears to be a common occurrence, so I will probably just ignore it.

With some hardware-store bolts, I temporarily attached the doubler to the bulkhead:

…then drilled and clecoed the holes for the rivets that will eventually attach these two pieces together:

If you have a Hartzell prop like I do, you need to cut out a significant portion of the spinner bulkhead. I transferred the shape of the hole in the doubler ring:

Initial cuts were made with my air nibbler, which is great for this kind of work. Going slowly and carefully, I was able to get within 1/8" of the line.

Then it was time to file, file, file. The corners look lumpy here, but that's how the cutout needs to be in order to clear the prop hub.

More filing and finish work… I made plenty of aluminum shavings.

I spent a lot of time making sure all the edges were well and truly deburred.

I need to prime these parts before I rivet them, but it's way too cold and dark outside to do that, so it will have to wait on the weather.

Also: What are these?! I haven't looked at the plans for over a year, I think… ever since I got to the step that said something like "Now might be a good time to think about wiring and an electrical system, if you want one."

And speaking of the spinner backplate… I realized that this piece will literally be moving the fastest of any of the parts that I've fabricated: in addition to however fast the plane is moving through the air, the perimeter of the 13" diameter spinner will also be doing about another 100 mph as the crankshaft is turning at 2700 RPM. Neat.