Playing with fuel vent line

I drilled the holes in the fuselage side skins for the fuel vent and feed lines. The vent line gets a 90-degree bulkhead fitting, and the feed line gets a big 1" hole and a rubber grommet. I hope the prepunched guide holes were in the right place, 'cuz I just put some big honking holes in the side of my airplane.

I used some scrap pieces of 1/4" tubing I had laying around to experiment with the bends needed to form the fuel line. This is the lower forward part, down under the rudder pedals. Not too difficult:

This is the lower rear part, where the tube has to come off the elbow fitting and then zigzag around the rudder cable. Tricky.

Here's the upper forward part, where it makes an odd bend underneath the weldment in order to clear the engine mounting bolt:

None of this is too hard, although doing all of the above with one continuous piece of tubing will be interesting.

While I was messing around, I finally got around to filling in the prepunched pilot holes for the steps with some AN426AD3 "rivets to nowhere", as the plans call them. We don't need no stinking steps on this tail-dragging airplane!

My parents were in town, so my dad came down to the garage to check out the RV. He seemed pleased, as you can tell:
