Probably the last deferred task related to the canopy is the installation of the C-679 seal block. This is supposed to plug the hole in the aft canopy skirt where the center track goes through, to keep cold air from blowing on your neck.

Per the plans, I simply tied the seal block to the canopy frame with a length of monofilament fishing line. It took quite a few tries to get the length just right, and there isn't a lot of room below the canopy skirt in which to tie knots, but at least you can do the whole job without crawling into the fuselage.

Once adjusted properly, the seal block is automatically pulled into the recess in the canopy skirt when the canopy is closed. When the canopy is opened, the C-661 slider block simply pushes the seal block out of the way. It actually works surprisingly well, and seems like it will block a lot of air. I'm sure it helps that I molded the fiberglass canopy skirt around the block; the stock aluminum skirt design might not seal as well.

Like many of Van's "unique" design features, this is design is highly mickey mouse, but also very lightweight. We'll see how well it works.