Han Solo gets frozen again

Does two years in a row count as a tradition or just an encore? Anyway, this is what happens when you have two geeks who're married to each other and Valentine's Day falls on a weekend… more Chocohans! (follow the link if this makes no sense to you)

We still have the molds from last year, so all we had to do was melt up a whole bunch of chocolate chips:

We have two molds, and we can do a full casting cycle about every 40 minutes. In between is TV and video games.

Half are plain, and half are crispy:

He should be quite delicious… if he survived the freezing process, that is.

Another beauty shot of Mary modeling Chocohan. I'm telling you, this version of Valentine's Day is way more awesome than what they show in jewelry commercials.

During the course of the day we made two dozen Chocohans. Also, our fridge has a lot of booze in it. Who's to say whether or not these two facts are related?

We now return to our irregularly scheduled airplane blogging.