More eyeballs

In order to mount the eyeball for the firewall cable, I had to move the hole up and towards the left side of the airplane by 1/4". There's a doubler on the aft side of the firewall that would have interfered with the eyeball mounting otherwise.

From the cockpit side, you can see the offending doubler. The funny thing is that this is where the fuel pump is mounted if you have a carbureted engine, but since my engine is fuel injected nothing ends up mounting here. I put in a couple of short bolts just to plug the holes.

Here's the prop cable eyeball, mounted near the one for the mixture cable.

On the inside, the nut ring nestles right up to the diagonal firewall stiffener.

While I was at it I installed the two nutplates just above the firewall recess, where the oil pressure line clamps to the firewall.

I think that's everything I need to do to the firewall before I rivet on the recess and bolt the engine mount on permanently. I'm going out of town this weekend, but the next big goal is to get the airplane rolling on the gear. Stay tuned…