Back from a short vacation. We did a bit of rafting and a bit of hiking. Here's us on top of a mountain. It was very windy.
Just for grins, I called Van's and asked if there were any issues with the edge distance on the top two bolts versus the tailwheel weldment. Ken Scott said, roughly, "As long as you have any edge distance whatsoever it's no problem at all, but if you're a real belt and suspenders type of guy you could put another AN3 bolt in the middle." Belt and suspenders? Sign me up!
So here I've put an extra 3/16" bolt in there to help me sleep better at night:
Man, there's all kinds of stuff in there. Actually the whole tailcone is filled with dropped washers, nuts, clecoes, and metal shavings galore. After I get the empennage attach chores done I'll have to clean all this out.