…well, as done as I plan to get it for now. The elevator hinges are complete and the trim linkage is correct. I'm saving the fiberglass tips for later, as stated previously. I also decided to wait to finish the rudder hinges until I have the vertical stabilizer mounted on the airplane, since it will be way easier to get everything lined up then (the rudder doesn't lay down nice and flat on the workbench because the rudder horns stick out both sides).
Next step is to get the workshop ready for the QB stuff. The fuselage I think I'll just put on some sawhorses. The wings demand some kind of storage rack to sit them on, but I sort of need the wings here so I can trace the airfoil contour so I can make the rack that I need to store the wings on… what I may end up doing is laying the wings down on some styrofoam insulation when they arrive, long enough to get the real wing rack made. We shall see.