In Saturday's post I idly wondered why Van's was having me drill the hole in the front spar for the trim motor wiring so close to a preexisting tooling hole. We'll I'll tell you why it looked weird: because I had accidentally grabbed the rear spar and happily drilled a giant hole through it instead, thus ruining it. Arrgh. That's what I get for not triple-checking the plans and the part numbers. Of course it doesn't help that the instructions don't even mention this particular hole – I guess they're hoping that you'll notice the tiny callout on the plans, but whatever. At least the replacement HS-603PP is only eighteen bucks. I'm going to be out of town for a week anyway, so it's not that much of a setback other than the couple hours it will take me to drill, deburr, dimple, and prime a new spar. Bah.